The registration and support of student organizations and services are provided by the Office of the Dean of Students. Students may form associations and clubs, but they should check to see if there is already an existing organisation that meets their needs. Student organizations are advised to have their calendar of events/activities coordinated by the office of the Assistant Deans of Students on their respective Campus. Through these organizations students have been able to participate in community activities, professionally related events, Organise fashion shows, Miss / Mr university shows, exchange visits with students in other countries, attend international conferences and meetings and generally develop their social, and other skills.
UNSA is the overall student body. Registered in July 1998 as SONU, it has the following objectives:-
- To establish an efficient, accountable and transparent student organization which seeks and undertakes representation and/or participation in organs of the University.
- To work in close solidarity with other students organizations within the University and establish friendly relations and understanding with other relevant organizations.
- To seek, enhance and maintain freedom of conscience, expression, association, academic liberty and all rights occurring to students and to promote employment of the same.
- To promote student welfare, work hand in hand with University administration and other bodies concerned with enhancement of students’ standard of living and undertake any other activity which does not conflict with the constitution of UNSA or any law or regulation in force in which is beneficial to the members.
- UNSA also seeks to represent students in various administrative and academic organs of the University. Students can channel their input into the University Council, University Senate, Student Welfare Authority (S.W.A.) and College Academic Boards.
UNSA Executive comprises of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Administration, Vice-Chairperson, Academics, Secretary General, Organizing Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary-Sport and Entertainment, Secretary- Health, Accommodation and Catering, Campus Representatives from Chiromo Campus, Lower Kabete, Kikuyu Campus, Main Campus, Parklands, Upper Kabete, Medical School and the Gender Affairs Secretary.
Representation to the College Students’ Organizations through professional associations is done at departmental level. Specific information on each college students’ organization is available from the respective College Principals, Deans or Directors of Faculties and Departmental Chairpersons. Information on student representation to various University organs can be obtained from the Office of the Dean of Students. The Colleges and Faculty/Schools/Institutes Students’ Organization are as follows:-
CAESO - College of Architecture and Engineering Students Organization
COMSA - Confederation of Medical Students Association
SOBO - School of Business Organization
KCUSO - Kabete Campus University Students Organization
KLSS - Kenya Law Students Society
NUARSA - Nairobi University Arts Students Association
ONUSS - Organization of Nairobi University Science Students
UNESA - University of Nairobi Education Students’ Association
UNASA - University of Nairobi Anthropology Students Association
Registered Students Associations and Clubs
- Accounting Students Association
- Africa Peace of U.O.N. Chapter
- Agricultural Economics Students Association
- Agricultural Education and Extension Students Association
- AIESEC Kenya
- Arabic Students Association of Nairobi University
- Archaeology Student Association
- Architecture Students Association
- Association of Architectural Students
- Association of Banking Students
- Association of Business Studies Students (ABSS)
- Association of Food Science and Technology Students
- Association of Master of Business Administration Students University of Nairobi
- Association of Medical Students Against TB (AMSAT)
- Association of Medical Students University of Nairobi (AMSUN)
- Association of Students In Electrical & Electronics Engineering (ASEEE)
- Association of Young Entrepreneurs (AYE)
- Bahai Club of the University of Nairobi
- Baptist Student Ministries Biological Association of Nairobi University Students
- Biochemistry Student Association
- Biology and Wildlife Association
- Business Association Club of University Of Nairobi
- Business Promotion and Environmental Conservation Group
- Campus Music Club
- Catholic Students Community
- Cercle Francophone - Universite’ de Nairobi (CEFRUNA)
- Chama Cha Kiswahili Cha Chuo Kikuu Cha Nairobi
- Chess Club University of Nairobi
- Chiromo Environment Awareness Club
- Chiromo Natural History Societies
- Christian Science Organization of Church of Christ Scientist UoN Chapter
- Christian Union
- Club Eighty-Five - Kabete Campus
- Community Health Initiative Network (CHIN)
- Debating Society
- DS 70 Design Students Association
- Eco-Ethics International Union -Nairobi Chapter (EEIU)
- Economics Students Association
- Education Communication Club
- Elimu Players
- Engineering students Association
- English Students Association (ESA Kikuyu Campus)
- Environmental Club of University of Nairobi
- Equality Eyes Club
- Federal of African Medical Students Association (FAMSA)
- Finance Students Association
- Geographical Society of Kenya
- Geography Students Society
- Geological Association of University of Nairobi
- German Club of the Medical Students of the University of Nairobi
- Habitat for Humanity Kenya - University of Nairobi Campus Chapter
- Hindu Students Association
- Historical Association of Kenya
- Human Resources Management Students Association
- Inter-College Environmental Network
- International Relief Friendship Foundation (IRFF)
- Japan-Kenya Student Conference of Nairobi
- Kenya Law Students’ Society
- Kikuyu Kiswahili Club (CHAKIKU)
- L’afreme - Medical Campus
- Linguistics Student Society
- Lions Club of the University of Nairobi
- Literature Students Association
- Marketing Students Association
- Mathematics Association of Nairobi University (MANU)
- Medical Students Against AIDS
- Muslim Students Association
- Nairobi University Actuarial Students Association
- Nairobi University Agriculture Students Association
- Nairobi University Association for a Drug Free Society (NUADS)
- Nairobi University Association of Philosophy & Religious Studies
- Nairobi University Biochemistry Students Association (NUBSA)
- Nairobi University Chemical Club
- Nairobi University Collegiate Association for Research of Principle
- Nairobi University Computer Science Students Association (NUCOMMSA)
- Nairobi University Dental Students Association
- Nairobi University Geology Students Association
- Nairobi University Insurance Students Association
- Nairobi University Journalism Students Association (NUJOSA)
- Nairobi University Management Students Association (NUMSA)
- Nairobi University Meteorological Association
- Nairobi University Nursing Students Association (NUNSA)
- Nairobi University Pharmacy Students Association
- Nairobi University Philosophical Society (NUPHIS)
- Nairobi University Physics Association
- Nairobi University Population Students Association
- Nairobi University Range Management Society (NURMA)
- Nairobi University Social Work Students Association (NUSWSA)
- Nairobi University Statistics Students Association
- Nairobi University Students Association for the Disabled (NUSAD)
- National Youth Guidance and Counselling Club Association
- Network Evangelist Team
- Operations Smile University Club Kenya
- Organization of Student Volunteers
- Peer Counselling Club
- Physical Planning Students Association
- Pledge 25 club (UNPSA)
- Political Science Students Association
- Red Cross University Chapter
- Rotaract Club, Kikuyu Campus
- Shelter and Environmental Club
- Society of Building and Land Economics Students
- Sociology Students Association
- Sociology Students’ Association
- Students Association for Legal Aid and Research (SALAR)
- Students Association of Mechanical Engineering
- Students Music Association University of Nairobi
- Students of Law and Diplomacy (SOLAD)
- Students of Soil Students Association
- Students Organisation of Nairobi University
- Swahili Students Association
- The Guild
- The Muslim Students Association of the University of Nairobi
- The Student Observer
- The Weavers (CEES)
- Theatre Revival Club
- UNESCO Club University
- United Nations Students Organization (UNSO)
- University of Nairobi Association for Community Development
- University of Nairobi Association of Crop Protectionist (UNACROP)
- University of Nairobi Basketball Club
- University of Nairobi Education Students Association (UNESA)
- University Of Nairobi Environmental & Bio systems
- University of Nairobi Geography Students Society (UNGSS)
- University Of Nairobi Industrial Chemistry Students Association
- University Of Nairobi International Students Association (UNISA)
- University of Nairobi Peer Educators Club
- University of Nairobi Rotary Club
- University of Nairobi Rover Crew
- University of Nairobi Students in Free Enterprise
- University of Nairobi Tourism Students Association
- University of Nairobi Young Talents Association
- University of Nairobi Youth Development Association
- University Students Aids Control Association
- Veterinary Students Association
- Wazalendo Drama Society
- Weavers Drama Club
- Wildlife Club
- Women Students Welfare Association (WOSWA)
- Youth Agency For Development of Science, Technology and Innovation (YADSTI)
- Youth Alliance for Leadership and Development in Africa (YALDA)
- Youth for Population Information and Communication
- Youth Guidance and Counselling Association
- UoN Alumni Association (UONAA)