
The CHRP has organised a colloquium on 21st May from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The theme of this colloquium is: 'The Language of Morality and Morality in Language: Reflections on African…

The department of Philosophy in Collaboration with the Sikh Council of Africa would like to invite you for a one day Seminar with the theme: ONENESS OF GOD, at the University of Nairobi Towers Fourth Floor Room MLT401 from 10.00am to 12.00 noon

Research and Innovation is a core pillar of the University of Nairobi strategic plan.The University of Nairobi will carry out a Research Week 2023  from 23rd-27th October, 2023 themed 'Harnessing Research for Resilience

The University will host the 9th African Association for the study of Religions Conference in Africa. The Conference theme is ' Creativity, Innovation and Imagination in African Religions'  

The Ground Breaking Ceremony for Kantaria Agricultural Technology and Innovation Centre(KATIC)  will take place at Upper-Kabete Campus on Tuesday 25th July,2023 at 10am.

On Sunday 28th May 2023  the department in partnership with Iranian Universities and the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran will co-host a webinar on the status of women in the holy Quran

University of Toronto Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Paul Thompson, will give a lecture titled  “Evolution, morality, and the fabric of society”  at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 12, 2023, in room MLT404, University of Nairobi Towers.


All are welcome