Latest News & Announcements

Team Integrity, the new Faculty leaders

The University of Nairobi held its Faculty and Campus Students Association (FCSA) annual elections. The elections were held virtually on Friday March 25th, 2022.

There were three teams competing for FCSA office in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences FOASS; Team Success, Team Okuz and Team Integrity.

Team Integrity took the lead with a total of 1361 votes followed closely by Team Okuz with 1179 votes. The incoming Chairperson representing FOASS in FCSA is Peter Nguka.


Nagel Institute, Calvin University with the support of Templeton Religion Trust is sponsoring twelve research projects across Africa under the theme: “Engaging African Realities: Integrating Social Science within African Theology.”  Their aim is to support African theologians to engage in fresh social-scientific integrated approaches with the goal of producing creative and original projects in grounded theology. One of the two projects in Kenya

Courtesy Call to the Chairman of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies and the Dean Faculty of Arts

On January 11, 2022 the Chair of the Department of Philosophy, Professor Karori Mbugua and the Dean Faculty of Arts represented by the associate Dean Prof. Jack Odhiambo, received a courtesy call from Professor Afe Adogame, of Nagel Institute and Princeton College.  The Institute is sponsoring a project entitled “Engaging African Realities: Integrating Social Science within African Theology” which Dr.


Nagel Institute, Calvin University with the support of Templeton Religion Trust is sponsoring twelve research projects across Africa under the theme: “Engaging African Realities: Integrating Social Science within African Theology.”  Their aim is to support African theologians to engage in fresh social-scientific integrated approaches with the goal of producing creative and original projects in grounded theology. One of the two projects in Kenya